Category: Tản mạn

  • On the last day of the year

    On the last day of the year

    On the last day of the Dog year The end of the lunar year, as usual, the hectic, but sorrowful atmostphere obssesses me. Since I grew up and was mature enough to recognize the boredom of this occasion, I have been so familiar with this sense. Taking a deep breath, I can remember every similar…

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  • Story: Live to love

    Story: Live to love

    This story has been written a long time ago, about 4 or five years. Initially, my idea for it has come from my closest friend’s situation.

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  • Where are you from

    Where are you from

    (This poem is an assignment of Globalization and its formation to the contemporary society course. The topic is: where are you from) Have you ever thought about Where you belong to? Have you ever wondered that Where actually you are from? I’ve asked myself these things About my body, mind mind, my spirit That where…

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